Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Today is the first day in a long time that we've needed a coat for school. Their field trip today was to Orchid Heights Park. If there was a park that would like in my backyard, it is this one.

The park is somewhat near Pheasant Branch, so it has a good mix of playground and nature.

 I think they did a hike here - Kai was not sure, so I'm just assuming.

I'm noticing many of the kids use the peace sign - they are the reason Kai has been doing it lately

While he's been at summer school this week, we've been busy rearranging and cleaning for the piano arriving tomorrow.

After school, he was playing with these magnetic people.

You can also make a nice crown with them.

Tomorrow he has a pizza party at school. After that, the plan is to get him so he can see the piano arrive.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...