Friday, August 30, 2024


With only four days left of "summer" vacation, we're trying to get some of our favorite things done. 

Both Heidi and Kai mentioned they wanted to play some games over the next few days. 

Here is a game that neither Kai or myself have played. It is much easier than I thought.

Wollersheim Winery was a place we wanted to go this summer. They have a place that makes quick food. Here's that meal....

Continuing our trek north to Devil's Lake. Not as many people here as I expected. It was nice and a little cloudy. He liked playing on the beach.

May as well have ice cream.

he likes blue ice cream

And then for a walk along the western bluff.

We were going to make marbled paper tonight until we found out it needs about 3 hours of prep work ahead of time.

Tomorrow is the last day of August, and we have a few more things to knock off our summer list.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...