Monday, June 24, 2024


Back to summer school on Monday. It was a warm day, but they did walk to Tiedeman Pond - they have a playground there with one of these things.

you can never quite get a good dig at the dirt with one of these things

I picked him up at school - he made a 2-minute video of what he was doing. I warned him it was too long for the blog, so you only get this...

Since we did not go to gymnastics on Saturday, we went this evening at 5PM.

In the evening, we got to put a sticker on Isle Royale - it is always a small ceremony.

And we put up two pictures and the Junior Ranger Badge.

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Today is Kai's birthday. I know because the toaster strudel has his name on them. the one on the right has his name  After breakfast, he...