Friday, July 19, 2024


Today's blog might have more content than pictures. 

Today the school was at Cross Plains again. They won't be there again next week. We didn't get any pictures. 

It was a nice day on the deck doing some work and watching golf. The British Open is happening overseas, and it makes a perfect companion to working on a spreadsheet.

After work, we had dinner and then hosted Matt and Jessica and their two kids for a little dessert. I work with Matt, Heidi works with Jessica, and one of their kids goes to Little Red Preschool.

Before they came over, Kai and I played "Garbage" on the picnic table.

I didn't get a ton of pictures of us tonight. I think Ardro got curious and came over. The kids of course were all over the place, but they always came back if they needed something to drink or eat.

No first time visit to our home is complete without a walk up the hill. There was a nice moon tonight.

Kai picked some Queen Anne's Lace - so did Sam, their daughter.

Here we are walking down the hill.

That's it for the blog. Saturday will bring us swimming, gymnastics and perhaps Opera in the Park.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...