Sunday, July 7, 2024


We got up a little earlier today, so we had a chance to hit the 8AM mass at St. Bernard's. Since this is the closest weekend after July 4, it was the weekend of patriotic songs to end mass. I think that is fun when these songs are sung.

 I packed breakfast so we could head to Allen Centennial Gardens for breakfast. There was hardly anyone there.

Today was Bodhi's party - he will be 7 tomorrow (July 8). 

They had an Olympic-themed birthday party with teams of kids fictionally representing USA, India, Switzerland, Greece and Italy.

Here is Kabir, the Bodhi's Dad showing how to throw a javelin (pool noodle).

Sumo wrestling...a modified version.

Balance beam...

And then everyone was excited for this birthday cake.

It was a nice weekend of birthday parties - that is 5 in total going back to June 2 and Evie's party.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...