Tuesday, August 13, 2024


School is three weeks away - now that we're closer, I had to a manual count to make sure I had the correct days left of summer vacation - 21 days is correct.

Here's what happened today.

Today is election day. I'm honestly not sure really what we voted for since almost all officials were unopposed.  

Here are Kai and Heidi digitally checking in. They are way at the end on the left.

Having worked the elections, I'm not sure how keen officials are with taking pictures inside, so these aren't the best photos.

No stickers were given out for voting.

At night, it was bubbles again. We're almost out of the solution, so this might be it.

To cap off the night, we went to the basketball court. We have a super bouncy ball that they were trying to catch in their water cups.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...