Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 When we got up this morning, we had about an hour drive from Lutsen to Grand Portage, MN, just south of the Canadian border.

We turned into the parking lot and checked in with the guy to let him know we were here. 

there were four crew members, and maybe 50 others on the boat with us

As a side note, I spoke with the guy afterwards, the whole Isle Royale season is completely booked - good thing we reserved on January 25.

The day started off cool, but after 1.5 hours on the boat, we tucked into Windigo, one of two visitor centers. The other visitor center is normally for people who boat from Upper Michigan (their boat ride is 2.5 hours).

the boat goes about 20-21 mph - according to some blogger

The main point is to get a picture of the National Park sign, get the National Park Stamp, take a quick hike, and then ask the rangers questions.

The day ended up being almost perfect. The temperature probably leveled off in the mid-60s, we had bright sunshine, and the mosquitoes could be repelled with Off.

After about 4 hours on land, we took back off for Grand Portage, MN

----I'm waiting for the photos to load in iCloud, so I will post for now and upload photos later.----

We had a lot of trouble finding a regular grocery store, so pizza was dinner.

---the photos got to iCloud -- will upload a bunch and go with captions...

Selfie on the ride over

On the Windigo Trail - a 1-mile loop

some type of slug - Kai made sure we didn't step on any during the hike

instead of a big boardwalk, we had these type of structures to get over wet areas

we brought the selfie stick for a reason

the ranger took our picture here

lunch - PBJ that always get smashed in my backpack

a moose - the head and body were from different animals

imitating the wolf

on the Windigo Trail - it took us maybe an hour to do

taking the oath to be a Junior Ranger

Rock of Ages Lighthouse - on the way back to Grand Portage, MN

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...