Friday, July 26, 2024


Today the class went to Lakeview Park. Lakeview Park is where the splash pad is in Middleton. I told Kai I would join him today. When I got there, they were just done with the splash pad, and it was time for lunch.

 Kai reserved a spot for me just on the other side of him. It's kind of fun how many of the kids I either know from his class this summer or previous summer. I think sometimes it freaks them out when I know their names, but that have no idea who I am.

After lunch, the teachers give the students a little bit of time before they head out to the playground. This is called "wicky sticks," I think. 

as you can see, there are a lot of other summer camps here

Kai made a ring. 

After this, they went out on the playground for a bit. I just let him play with his friends. Conveniently the city put up a wifi router in the park so I was able to watch a bit of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies on the Peacock app.

He had the option to try fishing, but he declined and wanted to continue playing here with his friends.

I enjoyed playing frisbee and "500" with the other kids there, like CJ, Alex, Brody, Ryland and some other boy who I never met.

Dax and Kai - they are so silly together

the other friends

Not much happening tonight. He's super tired and already sleeping by 7:30...that's a good thing since we have our 7th and probably last birthday party of the summer at GO NiNjA. This is Emma's party. Emma is a friend from a few years ago who does not go to Kai's school anymore, but we're super happy to keep in touch with her. Her and Kai will go to the same middle school, but that is many years off.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...