Sunday, July 14, 2024


On recent summer mornings, I've been watching the Tour de France on my computer. I obviously don't care much about the race, but I think the scenery is fun.


I think they are almost to the Spanish border after today's race.

With our latest national park in the books, we had a brief ceremony to put the picture on the wall.

It was very hot and cloudy this afternoon. We went to the pool - it is part of our membership and close by - it is a tough option to beat.

We're just getting to know so many kids. Olivia was there when we started and then Qadry showed up a little later. Both are in the Green Room for the summer program. They both had fun playing with Kai's pool toys. It was good to see them practice diving to the bottom to retrieve the sea trinkets.

Kai also discovered how to do a cannonball by watching the other kids.

This afternoon, we put together the light structure that goes with the sea rescue center. It just makes it more interesting with lights.

Right after we got back from the pool, it started to rain. I think it rained about 2 or 3 inches this morning before we got up, and now more rain. At least our sump pump is not running.

Then a nice rainbow. It was full for quite some time.

And then a double rainbow. We noted a few years ago that when there is a double rainbow, the order of the colors is reversed on the 2nd rainbow.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...