Friday, July 5, 2024


Today is Friday, but it didn't really feel like it.

We went to the library in the afternoon. He really likes our library because it has LEGO. I'm not aware of other libraries having them.

 Here is what he created.

At the computers, they have a lot of interesting games. This is one he likes to make where he designs a cookie. He puts on the frosting, sprinkles, etc.

This next one is quite interesting. After the library we went to Woodman's. We were getting ready to leave, and Kai tells me, "I like that guy's hat." I wasn't quite sure who he was talking about, so I asked him if we should go back and find him so we could tell him. Kai led me back to the cheese area, and we found the man. His name was something like "Vocarlo" - Kai heard it better than me, but we aren't sure his real name. The man quizzed Kai on his Spanish a little bit, then told him the story of the hat. The hat is from El Salvador, and many years ago the man owned a Corvette. This hat was the only one that he  could wear while driving the Corvette that did not blow off while he was on the road. A very fun story to our day.

After a quick dinner, we had some time on this nice evening. Since we watched "Alice in Wonderland," I've been wanting to get back to Epic to see their Alice building.

However, the Castaway Building is just our favorite, so we started off there.

I don't think he had been on a hammock before

This is possibly going to be one of my favorite pictures of the summer.

At Alice, I didn't notice anything new now that we had watched the movie. I do think that when they were painting the roses from white to red in the movie is perhaps they put the white hydrangeas next roses here. We'll never know.

Alice changes sizes so many times in the movie, which is why I think they put all these doors here.

Here is the cheshire cat.

He wanted a video of this.

We will probably have to come back another night to do more nighttime exploration.

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...