Saturday, August 31, 2024


Today we started with our marbled paper art. We were going to try this yesterday, but we then realized the set up took about 5 hours - the carrageenan needed to set in the water. This makes the water thicker, so we did that overnight so we could be ready in the morning. It was a fun craft.


The three in the upper left were our first tries. As you can see, the ones on the right side are pretty fantastic looking as our technique improved.

The only movie at the theater we saw this summer was today - Despicable Me 4.

To me, a 90-minute movie hits the spot.

We hadn't been to the pool in August yet, and today was the last day. It was quite a nice day to be there with a high of about 84 degrees at 5:30.

That's it for August 2024.

On the bright side, we did learn the lights above the pool do work, so we'll have to find a nice September evening for the pool.

Friday, August 30, 2024


With only four days left of "summer" vacation, we're trying to get some of our favorite things done. 

Both Heidi and Kai mentioned they wanted to play some games over the next few days. 

Here is a game that neither Kai or myself have played. It is much easier than I thought.

Wollersheim Winery was a place we wanted to go this summer. They have a place that makes quick food. Here's that meal....

Continuing our trek north to Devil's Lake. Not as many people here as I expected. It was nice and a little cloudy. He liked playing on the beach.

May as well have ice cream.

he likes blue ice cream

And then for a walk along the western bluff.

We were going to make marbled paper tonight until we found out it needs about 3 hours of prep work ahead of time.

Tomorrow is the last day of August, and we have a few more things to knock off our summer list.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


Today was a free day for him...and he chose a free activity, our library. I am not sure if we have the best library in the area, but it does have the best LEGO bricks.

When we got the the library today, we found a clean slate.

 He did LEGO for about an hour, here are some photos. He took these...

And I took a picture of him with he extra long-legged man.

For the next little bit, he played on the computer. He likes making cookies with designs. You pick the pattern then apply the frosting and other fancy things that make a cookie a cookie.

Kai took the photo, you can see his reflection

They also have a nice veterinarian kit. He was the doc today.

That's all for today. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Last day at the farm. This is a shirt my sister wore. It looks great on Kai.

he likes playing in the shed

It was still cool and drizzly, but when it dried out, I called up the neighbor to let them know I wanted to fly the drone over their farm.

I then flew it directly to the north. I was able to control is from a mile away. At about 300 feet up, you have to be looking for it to notice it.

looking east toward the Blue Hills - controlling the drone from a mile away

And you can quickly fly over homes and they would never know.

Tonight is the night we got to meet his teacher and drop off school supplies.

We wanted to make something for his teacher, Mrs. Gaffaney, so he drew this photo of her.

She was excited to see Kai, as she knew him from last year. And just a note, when you pronounce her name, it is more like "gafney" - so you kind of ignore that "a" in the middle of her name.

I took some pictures in the room with Kai. We got there at 6PM sharp, so we had some time to chat with her.

Ironically, Kai's table has Ardro and Claire with him, both kids are in our neighborhood.

Kai in the front of the class

putting away supplies in the front

looking toward the back of the class

the cubbies - there are 18 kids in his class - Ms. Gaffaney on right

Kai in red putting stuff under his desk - Ms. Gaffaney is on left - she has the horizontal striped shirt

Kai's cubbie

After we got everything in the classroom, the kids played outside.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Some quick photos from the day. Even though it stormed last night, we had a bit of rain again this morning at 6AM. This time it cooled things off quite a bit.

It was quite calm and I could get the drone out. The one shot I've been wanting to get is from the silo looking back toward the farm.

(the blog is a bit of a formatting mess today...and I think I'm going to leave it messy).

the one orange tree in the woods

the burn barrel

four-wheeler in the woods

at the library you can check out drills and even a kayak

playing trains

playing chef at the library

Main St.
Ice cream at The Milk Pail

He drew an ice cream cone, put his name down and drew an arrow to The Milk Pail

Playing around on antiques

cat in the barn - Kai took photo

going up to the haymow


Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...