Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Some quick photos from the day. Even though it stormed last night, we had a bit of rain again this morning at 6AM. This time it cooled things off quite a bit.

It was quite calm and I could get the drone out. The one shot I've been wanting to get is from the silo looking back toward the farm.

(the blog is a bit of a formatting mess today...and I think I'm going to leave it messy).

the one orange tree in the woods

the burn barrel

four-wheeler in the woods

at the library you can check out drills and even a kayak

playing trains

playing chef at the library

Main St.
Ice cream at The Milk Pail

He drew an ice cream cone, put his name down and drew an arrow to The Milk Pail

Playing around on antiques

cat in the barn - Kai took photo

going up to the haymow

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...