Friday, June 14, 2024


A week since the last day of school. We get a lot of photos through the Procare app, but many are not of Kai. There were two today, but this is the best photo from school.

I am not sure if this is in Middleton or Cross Plains

Today's field trip was back to Cross Plains, where they go to the basement of the church to the other daycare center. I wonder if they go over there more often since the playground at the Middleton location has that damage as they await the new playground set.

When I pick him up, sometimes he wants me to take a picture of what he made, today he wanted a video.

When we got home, we ate and then played with the neighbors. We haven't seen them much this week - honestly haven't seen many of the neighborhood kids this first week of summer vacation.

Sometimes we do odd stuff - this time we popped a balloon by backing over it with the car - this is slow-motion.

Then a variety of other photos - I'll put captions below them.

playing catch - he faked out Ardro and threw it to me

he put on my shoes and visor and was pretending to be me

Kai was pretending they got into trouble and thrown in jail - for 50 years

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Today will be a long day. The first thing we need to do is make Dax's birthday card. I made a card for Bodhi's party on Sunday, but ...