Saturday, August 17, 2024


The day started early. The light in Kai's bedroom goes green, meaning it is time to get up  - but I should probably change it on weekends. I would have been okay with him staying in until 7AM.

Regardless, it was an early morning, so I was a bit curious how many people were in line at Duck Donuts. This is a place that we saw in South Carolina, and for some reason they found a new franchise in Madison. Lot's of people were excited as we drove past.

Duck Donuts is at far left, line goes all the way to the right

Today is also the day that Lucy came to pick up the sleeper sofa. Her neighbor Alec helped Heidi's co-worker Brandon and me with the move. It was a bit of work - more than I expected. It was heavy and we needed to move it around the bend in the stairs.

Alec at bottom, Brandon at top

it was an easy job once we got it upstairs

Lucy, Alec, Kai

Lucy is from North Carolina, and recently took a job at Thermo-Fisher. I'm happy it is going to a good home.

In the afternoon we had gymnastics.

on the balance beam

hanging from the bar

After missing the Agora Art Fair for a few years, we finally made it back to Fitchburg.

Kai didn't get very far after he found the "Art Cart."

I was told this was the finest art at the show

In the evening, my parents dropped by. Originally they were going to drive to Antioch, IL, but quickly paused those plans when they realized how far away it was. My Mom's cousin is the music director of a church, and she wanted to hear her group....but simply too long of a drive.

I got to show them my drone and take this fun photo.

After dinner, Ken and Barbie played soccer.

They stayed overnight at the Holiday Inn. We'll see what they have time for tomorrow.

sunset - looking east at the clouds

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Today is the day. When I went to wake him, he said he was pretending to get an x-ray, which is what they use those heavy lead blankets for. ...